Pöttinger: 4 × Agritechnica Silver – Ez is nagyon fénylik! (angol)


A Pöttinger büszkén vehette át 4 Ezüst Medálját az Innovációs Díj AGRITECHNICA 2017 kategóriában, melyeknek átadására a szeptember 6-7-én megrendezett elő-sajtótájékoztatón került sor. A Német Mezőgazdasági Társadalom (DLG) által kinevezett, független szakértő bizottság megközelítőleg 320 db pályázatot vizsgált meg és 4 Pöttinger-projektet jutalmazott az előkelő Ezüst Medállal.

1. SENSOSAFE apróvad felismerő szálastakarmány betakarító gépekhez

With SENSOSAFE – the world’s first mower-mounted automatic animal detection system developed for detecting fawns and ensuring clean forage – Pöttinger has introduced a concept that won the Silver Innovation Award at AGRITECHNICA 2017.


2. Kamerával támogatott automatikus vezérlésű magágykészítés

Best quality tilth and optimum seedbed preparation are key to successful seed germination and growth.

The award-winning development by Pöttinger – camera assisted seedbed preparation directly measures the soil surface roughness using images from a stereo camera mounted between the power harrow and the seed drill to automatically regulate the tractor PTO and driving speed of the tractor. The working results are an optimised seedbed with uniform tilth across the entire field.


3. Beacon+GPS+Sigfox gép- és munkaművelet azonosító rendszerek

PÖTPRO GUIDE is based on the innovative Fliegl COUNTER SX Beacon, adding an acceleration sensor, GPS, Sigfox and storage medium to existing Beacon technology so that it is able to generate, record and transmit data intelligently during a wide range of processes.

As a result, PÖTPRO GUIDE covers a completely new field of applications because Beacon technology is not bound to a standard process, but can be used universally for any application. It can supply useful data in various situations, using different makes of vehicle and implement during different working processes: e.g. counting operating hours, detecting the mode of operation (position of implement), recording with links to GPS and Sigfox, making data available at a later date.


4. Agrirouter adatforgalom digitalizáló kis- és középvállalkozások számára

At the start of 2016 DKE-Data GmbH & Co. KG announced an Internet-based data exchange platform for farmers and contractors, which would be capable of connecting up machinery and agricultural software from a wide range of manufacturers. Now it is ready. DKE-Data presents the agrirouter at the Agricultural Technology Fair Agritechnica in November 2017 in Hanover, Germany.